About fifteen people attended the kick-off meeting of the Scientific Interest Group (SIG) on animal models. First, all attendees introduced themselves and outlined which models they currently use in their project. Frederik Deroose, SIG Chairman, Connecting Pharma (ex-Asclepia Outsourcing Solutions), SIG Chairman and Carina Vingsbo Lundberg, SIG Leader, Statens Serum Institut introduced the Animal Models Scientific Interest Group (SIG) and its charter. Carina gave an expert talk on “Standardisation of Pneumonia Models”, which was followed by a presentation by Yojana Gadiya, Fraunhofer ITMP on the AMR Knowledge Graph, a novel data resource and innovative visualisation tool built at Fraunhofer ITMP and available to the AMR Accelerator. The second part of the meeting was focused on what this group is expecting from this SIG, and Frederik Deroose ended the meeting with a summary and outline of the next steps and action points.